Corona Virus (or covid-19) Update

The Coronavirus & ICANN Moving Company- Tulsa OK Movers

As communities continue to feel the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), I want to share with you the steps we’re taking at ICANN Moving Company- Tulsa OK Movers to help protect the health and safety of our customers and our team, which is always our top priority. We know you are getting a ton of these emails, but this is important for us to relay.

We’re closely monitoring local and national reports on the evolving impact of COVID-19 and, based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization, and applicable public health agencies, we’ve developed plans and established a task force that will allow us to respond in a timely and appropriate manner.

Our housekeeping and sanitation efforts in our offices and warehouses have been dramatically expanded. We’re frequently disinfecting often-touched surfaces such as door handles, countertops, keypads, restroom surfaces, break room areas, and delivery bays. We’re requiring all of our teammates and visitors (and we urge everyone) to follow the CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of the infection. Further, we have eliminated all non-essential visitors to our facility and prohibited unnecessary company travel.

We will do our best to protect ourselves and our customers. We do ask that you also take precautions such as making sure high-touch Items such as doorknobs, and handrails are clean. If you have a weak immune system or are considered high risk according to the CDC please let us know as soon as possible so we can take extra safety precautions for your move.

We feel deeply for those who have been affected. Thankfully, as of now, we’re not aware of any team member or customer contracting COVID-19. But we have implemented guidelines that instruct any team member who may develop symptoms or come into contact with infected individuals to stay home and follow the CDC’s instructions.

We are open for business during our regular hours to meet the needs of our customers. If we become aware of any condition in any location that would make it unsafe, please rest assured that we’ll shift production to another location until those conditions have been addressed.

Again, the health and safety of our customers and team members are our top priority and we’re committed to doing our part to help keep everyone safe.

In addition, please keep the following in mind:

  • ICANN Moving Company- Tulsa OK Movers is a low-risk company
  • Our moving crews help 1-2 customers per day (low risk)
  • All of our movers have been told to stay home with any symptoms and to avoid all high-risk areas via CDC guides
  • We are making active efforts to disinfect our office and common areas frequently
  • There will be disinfecting/cleaning supplies on every truck for any uneasy customers

Thank you,

Henrietta Holt
ICANN Moving Company- Tulsa OK Movers

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